About Us

This was always a dream of ours to start a surplus store, but in reality, never expected our dream to grow so rapidly! It's only with your help that we came this far so quickly! In the Fall of 2021, I along with my wife and our then one year-old, opened up an online auction in part of the building!

It was more a sideline hustle to see if something like this did well, I was working full-time at a mechanic shop at the time too! It seemed to us that online sales weren't going to grow too much but we decided that this was our opportunity to jump on board with our dream of opening a store!

We opened our doors on March 3, 2022, we were blown away by the support and how quickly our small little business adventure grew! We have now expanded into more of the building and also now carry mattresses and furniture!

We feel God has blessed us abundantly!